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General Commands


ball, beat, beer, butter, celebrate, choose, cute, dragon, duck, dungeon, frawley, greenhouse, gulag, hot, hug, ie, jackboot, joke, keshav, knit, lick, lightsaber, lod, meerkat, meme, perg, poke, poodle, quack, shortcake, slap, song, spoon, staple, work, worlib, xoricat

Command About Usage
8ball Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question. !8ball <question>
question: The question you wish to ask
baby Feast upon the delicious babies! !baby [user]
user: Optional name to use with the command


giveaway, number, rps

Command About Usage
codebreak Play a game to break the secret code.
Players will take turns guessing the secret code. After each turn, everyone will be told how many of the digits are correct and how many are in the correct position in the code. The first person to get the code is the winner.
Start the game
!codebreak start <code length>
code length: The length of the secret code to guess
Get game stats for a player
!codebreak stats <user | me>
user: The Discord mention of the user to get stats for
me: To get your own stats, !codebreak stats me
Get the top players stats
!codebreak stats
Stop the game
!codebreak stop


Below is a list of Conflux commands specific to general management topics.

Command About Usage
addrole Adds a user to the specified Discord role. !addrole <role name> @user
role name: Discord role to add to the specified user
@user: Discord mention of the user to add the role to
forumacc Displays information about a forum account. !forumacc <name | id>
name: Forum name of the person to look up the account for
id: Forum Id of the person to look up the account for
removerole Removes a user to the specified Discord role. !removerole <role name> @user
role name: Discord role to remove to the specified user
@user: Discord mention of the user to remove the role to
role Toggles a role for yourself !role <role name>
role name: Discord role to toggle for yourself
Note: Not all roles can be added in all channels.


embed, executetask, help, menu, ping, poll, reactionrole, remind, rng, top, warn

Game Specific


Below is a list of Conflux commands specific to Cybernations.

Command About Usage
cn:nation Display information about a nation !cn:nation <nation id | ruler | nation name>
nation id: Cybernations nation Id, e.g. 257875
ruler: Cybernations ruler name, e.g. jgolla
nation name: Cybernations nation name, e.g. Jaytown
cn:who Whois for Cybernations nations and Discord accounts !cn:who <mention | nation link | nation id>
mention: Discord mention, beginning with @, e.g. @jgolla
nation link: URL for the nation, e.g.
nation id: Cybernations nation Id, e.g. 257875


Below is a list of Conflux commands specific to Nationstates.

Command About Usage
ns:card Display information about a card !ns:card <nation name | card id>
nation name: Nationstates nation name
card id: Id of the card
ns:deck Display information about a card deck !ns:deck <nation name | nation id>
nation name: Nationstates nation name
nation id: Nationstates nation id
ns:nation Display information about a nation !ns:nation <nation name>
nation name: Nationstates nation name
ns:region Display information about a region !ns:nation <region name>
region name: Nationstates retgion name


Below is a list of Conflux commands specific to Torn.

Command About Usage
t:bank Torn bank investment calculator !t:bank <amount> [merit count] [stock bonus]
amount: The dollar amount to invest, e.g. 1000, 1b, 50k
merit count: Optional number of bank merits. Default is 0 merits.
stock bonus: Optional yes/no if the WSSB stock bonus block should be used. Default is no.
t:chain Torn chain tracker
Start Chain Tracking
!t:chain start <faction> <chain size>
faction: The three letter acronym for the faction
chain size: The target of the chain size
Join the Chain
!t:chain j[oin] <hit count>
hit count: The number of hits a chain member will attempt
See chain status
!t:chain s[tatus]
Update your hit count
!t:chain u[pdate] <hit count>
hit count: The new number of hits a chain member will attempt
Update someone else's hit count
!t:chain u[pdate] <discord name> <hit count>
discord name: The @mention of the chain member to update
hit count: The new number of hits a chain member will attempt
Reset the chain
!t:chain reset
t:faction Displays information about a faction.
General Faction Info
!t:faction <name | id | url>
name: The full name of the faction to look up
id: The id number of the faction to look up
url: The URL of the faction to look up
Faction Member Info
!t:faction <name | id | url> <members | okay | travel | hospital>
name: The full name of the faction to look up
id: The id number of the faction to look up
url: The URL of the faction to look up
members : Gets the full list of members
okay: Gets the list of member that are currently Okay
travel: Gets the list of member that are currently traveling
hospital: Gets the list of member that are currently in the hospital
t:item Torn item information !t:item <name>
name: The name of the item
t:loot Torn loot timings !t:loot
t:lotto Run a Torn lotto. You can give away cash and Torn items. Please note, you can not run a lotto while traveling.
Start a Lotto
!t:lotto start <prize>
prize: The Torn item or amount that will be in the lotto
Join a Lotto
!t:lotto j[oin]
See current Lotto status
When a lotto is in progress, just type 'list'. This is only valid for the lotto runner.
Draw a Lotto winner
When a lotto is in progress, just type 'draw'. This is only valid for the lotto runner.
Get Lotto total stats or stats for a player
!t:lotto stats [@mentioned_user | me]
@mentioned_user: The Discord mention of the person whose stats are requested
me: To get your own stats
Check if a player is on the shame list
!t:lotto shame [@mentioned_user]
@mentioned_user: The Discord mention of the person who to check if shamed
Listen for prize sent
!t:lotto listen <@mentioned_user>
@mentioned_user: The Discord mention of the person to listen for
Note: his is only valid for specific roles
Stop the current lotto
!t:lotto stop
Note: his is only valid for specific roles
t:profile Displays a Torn character's profile !t:profile <mention | discord name | forum link | torn link | torn id>
mention: The Discord mention of the profile to get
discord name: The Discord name of the profile to get
forum link: The forum link of the profile to get
torn link: The Torn link of the profile to get
torn id: The Torn Id of the profile to get
t:stats Gets your current battle stats and Torn bars (Energy, Nerve, Happy, and Life). This this command is run, the bot will DM you to get your API key. !t:stats
t:stock Torn stock information !t:stock <stock name | stock acronym>
stock name: The full name of the stock to look up
stock acronym: The acronym of the stock to look up
t:travel Gets the current stock county the input country. Based on YATA data. !t:travel <country>
country: The full name (or shortcut) of the country to get the current travel stock for. The available countries and shortcuts are Argentina [a], Canada [ca], Cayman Islands [ci], China [ch], Hawaii [h], Japan [j], Mexico [m], South Africa [sa], Switzerland [sw], UAE, United Kingdom [uk].
t:who Whois for Torn and Discord accounts !t:who <mention | discord name | forum link | torn link | torn id>
mention: The Discord mention of the profile to get
discord name: The Discord name of the profile to get
forum link: The forum link of the profile to get
torn link: The Torn link of the profile to get
torn id: The Torn Id of the profile to get


Below is a list of Conflux commands specific to Warships.

Command About Usage
warships:stats Displays World of Warships statistics for an account !warships:stats <name>
name: Name of the player to get stats for