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Use the form below to upload files. To view or search previously uploaded files, go to the list of uploaded files or file categories. (Re)uploads are also logged in the upload log and deletions in the deletion log.

Please follow the file guidelines and give images a descriptive, proper name.

Are you uploading a new version of an existing image? Please use the "upload a new version of this file" link on that file's page instead of uploading a separate file.

Using files

To include a file in a page, use a link in one of the following forms:

  • [[File:File.png|alt text]] to use the full version of the file with "alt text" displayed for screen readers or if the image cannot be loaded.
  • [[File:File.png|200px|thumb|left|caption]] to use a 200 pixel wide rendition in a box in the left margin with "caption" as the description (options can be used separately).
  • [[:File:File.png]] for directly linking to the file without displaying it.

File info

To fill out the file information, add the relevant data after the equals sign on the appropriate line. Please fill out the fields to the best of your knowledge, but do not guess. For any that you don't know, leave the field blank.

  • description: A brief description of the file's contents, if the file name is not clear enough.
  • author: The person or people who contributed to the creation of the file.
  • license: The license and usage permissions of the file. If it is a commonly used license, simply enter the name and information will be displayed automatically. If there is explicitly no license, enter "none".
  • source: The URL where the file was obtained, or the person who provided it, if they are the creator. If possible, link to the original source, not a repost. If you are the creator of the file, enter "self".
  • affiliation: The group with which the file is associated. Please spell out abbreviations and capitalize correctly. If it is not an image officially used by a group, enter "none".
  • game: The game with which the file is associated. If none, leave blank.
  • type: The usage type of the file. For example, "avatar", "flag", "job tag", "war ribbon", "logo", "screenshot", or "other".
  • notes: Any miscellaneous notes which are important to the file and not covered in other fields. For example, alternative versions, any modifications made before uploading it, or items of interest it features.