New Pacific Order (Astro Empires)
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The New Pacific Order has had a presence in Astro Empires since 2006. In the Alpha Server it was organized as the the New Planetary Order guild.
The New Planetary Order or [NPO] is one of the Top 10 guilds on Alpha Server. The NPO is a constitutional monarchy ruled by the Emperor and the Senate of the Order. The guild has a very long and complex history, with traditions running from as far back the days when it was the Imperium.
The NPO at its peak had around 250 to 300 members, additionally, it was the first guild in the entire game to reach a whopping 100 members.
That which follows is a short primer to the long military history of the NPO. Some wars will have been forgotten to the sands of time, others will have been enhanced in meaning thanks to the revisionist nature of the world, it should however always be remembered that old guilds with old members will always remember their own history in ways which is nigh alien to the casual observer. In this spirit, the contemporary history NPO now follows;
The history of NPO as currently portrayed does not fit the rightful scope of history nor does it begin to tell the whole story, changes will come when they can be agreed upon by the guild (pan-guild accuracy is needed for official endorsement)
The Reforming of the Imperium and the CLS Confederation War
The War Against Mordor
A player of great strength in the NPO, no stress, decided to confront an Orc warrior, Darkness, in an one-on-one combat. Darkness lost a few of his bases and no stress took the liberty of plundering the trades from those bases which angered the other Orcs who decided that they would declare upon the NPO. So it happened that war was upon the Order and the Orcs unleashed a furious attack to which the NPO tried to respond in kind, but ultimately failed in the mobilization of its forces.
However, the greatest ally that the NPO has ever had, the confederation of guilds that form the loose union of Trinity, along with the forces of the Brotherhood of Odd, declared upon Mordor and brought in all their skills. In a matter of tens of hours the Orcs backed away and the NPO could continue on it's way towards peace and prosperity.
The War of Borg-NPO
The Long Peace
The First Server War
Long story short- we started it. The NPO alone claims to have begun this war by granting the wish of RudedogRob of RL. After trying to defend the actions of a KOS person from a small guild that earned the whole guild a KOS status, Rudedog barked "I dare you to try and farm us."
We obliged.
For the first 4 weeks we were having our way with all RL fleets and bases that would stand still long enough to be attacked. BORG, however, took pity on the Llama's foolishness and came to their aid. In response, MDPs were activated and soon LUE, Min, and III were embroiled in a battle against BORG, <O>, and Odd.
Due to our new preoccupation with BORG, RL was able to stage some successful retaliatory strikes using fleets that had escaped our initial strikes. They dared to claim victory over us, despite our occupation of hundreds of RL planets by the end of the war.
The war ended with all parties involved sick and tired of the confusion, and a truce was signed. Bad blood still lingered and soon the truce would be set to flame.
The Second Server War
The Battle of Octopus End
Template:Quote Text taken from the Official NPO Records of History.
It was a glorious day for our guild. In what can only be described as our most significant military triumph to date, we moved in on a 250 million OO fleet pile in A28. The enemy was camped in a single-system region, at a base fittingly named Octopus End.
Earlier, during some of our successful hits in A29, it became evident that the OO had a lot of forces to draw on that were only a single galaxy away, i.e. in A28. Several of our most avid fighters urged us to move there in force and strike them down. Noncommittally, I told them to start by locating their pile and then we'd consider it. After 5 straight hours of scouting, Shade found their pile on the very outskirts of the galaxy. (Others were scouting too, but drew blanks).
This was Thursday, and Breakfast, who had already shown a great talent for organizing and leading strikes, took it upon himself to organize a joint hit. Again I skeptically told him and his helpers to do the math, and consider the vast amounts of fighters we'd need to clear the meat from 250M worth of big fleets. Nonetheless, preparations proceeded, and several players from LUE and CoRM joined us to participate in the hit. Lord Hoth talked to his friends in III, who also assembled a group of players to remain on stand-by and back us up if needed. The CoRM players were commanded by Little John who was also a great help in planning out the attack.
A mere three days later, on Sunday, we moved in on A28 with every fleet we had been able to scramble; a bunch of our players were there, ready to sacrifice their fleets for the glory of the order. We stayed over at a very hospitable Brothel, courtesy of DWI Intelligente. We had assembled a sizable force, but it was still very unclear how our force could engage 250M, particularly if many of the enemy players were on-line to actively fight back.
Fortunately, the enemy had seen us coming at some point and were already fleeing the galaxy. At our designated time of attack, our scouts (which were continuously being suicided into their system) revealed that only 135M remained, which gave us a chance of actually killing them in a reasonably profitable way. After some brief but intense deliberation we decided to go for it, and moved in. A few of the remaining OO players were on-line and attempted to harass us at our landing zone, but ultimately retreated after dealing minimal damage.
The remaining players at their pile were off-line, and we quickly proceeded to mow down about 75M worth of OO fleets. This was a sight to behold, with NPO fleets swarming over their pile, dropping fighters all over the place. Our first priority was to kill every enemy recycler before the tick, then to clear all their meat, and finally to mop up the meatless fleets. Even though our attack was a bit chaotic, we generally made quite optimal attacks, relying on the skill and experience of each individual player to pull it off. The Emperor himself threw his fleets at the enemy with wild abandon, continuing to pound on them with pure HC attacks after all his fighters were expended. In just half an hour the carnage was complete, and all that remained of the OO pile was a steaming pile of 58M credits worth of debris.
These events came to pass due to an extraordinary display of determination, skill and courage. We faced a seemingly indestructible pile of fleets but charged in regardless and were rewarded with a glorious victory. It was a great team effort and I would like to thank everybody who participated for what was an exciting, fun and truly memorable event that earned us the respect of both friends and foes. I have already mentioned many of the key people in making it happen; I will also give honorable mentions to everybody who got to fight at Octopus End:
From NPO:
- Miramicha of Asgård
- Daedalus
- Bluemofia
- Zakalwe
- Lord Hoth
- Zod
- Lt. Dan
- Seven Of Nine
- Breakfast
- The Alpha Ninja (Aprion Republic)
- Bel Riose
- Malevolent
- Thuntor
- Chao
- Razgriz
- The Werefrog
From LUE:
- DWI Intelligente
From CoRM:
- kryton
- Twelve Worlds
- Ahmed (was known by "Honda" as nick by that time)
- Habibi the Infidel-
- congo
- Grady-
- Meatshield Delivery
- Zekvyrin
- Nile-
Many more were in the galaxy but didn't get to fight due to the exact timing of the hit, nevertheless they were there, ready and willing to fight. We appreciate their appearance too and hope they enjoyed their stay at the brothel, and apologize for the stench of burnt calamari that reportedly drifted in from the seaside barbecue party while they were there.
The War Continues
The Second Server War ended soon after the battle of Octopus End, but not before yet another blow was dealt to SHLD. Breakfast lead another lightning strike known as Operation Shield Breaker into A29 in which many fleets were destroyed by the NPO. Many more would have fallen, but a SHLD scout happened upon the LZ and alerted the fleets to our arrival. Those who did not react were mown down. Others decided to go down fighting and they hurled their fleets against NPO bases in the galaxy, thinking that the loss of bases would deter us. Little did they know that all they were doing was making it easier for us to wipe those fleets out upon our arrival.
The 90-Day NAP
Government and Politics
The Emperor

The Eagle Flag of the NPO
The Emperor is the primary representation of power and might of the NPO. The Emperor has the authority to make decisions by himself and he is bound by no prohibiting laws.
The Emperors of the New Planetary Order and The Imperium
Such have been the ruling Emperors of the NPO:
The Regents of the New Planetary Order
The Regent is the person who is second-in-command of all of the NPO. It is the Regent who takes up the position of the Emperor if the Emperor has been incapacitated.
- Miramicha of Asgård - During the reign of Emperor Moldavi
- Daedalus - During the reign of Emperor Miramicha
The Senate
The Senate is the elected body which helps the Emperor in making decision. The Senators are elected from the membership of the NPO and they have to have served previously as a Governor.
The Regional Governors
The Regional Governors are elected officials who take responsibility for the coordination of war efforts in their designated galaxies.
The spirit in which the NPO approaches its foreign relations has always been a much admired feature of the guild. In the long history of the NPO, it has held a mere three diplomats;
- Zuppa - Served Imperium only, Left the guild for other projects, now retired from AE
- IOT - Served both Imperium and NPO, is still the current head diplomat of the NPO
- Forseti - Served NPO only, took over the duties of the overwhelmed IOT during his bouts of inactivity. Recently left the guild.
The primary allies of the NPO are currently:
Time has shown that the NPO has used it's protectorate programs to shelter and raise its future allies. Starting with LUE and following on with MIN, the weight of history shows that once these guilds grew in enough power to defend their own interests, they became stalwart allies of the NPO and their greatest friends.
The NPO holds a policy of only handling one protectorate guild at a time and often seeks for new guilds whom they think show promise.
Former Enemies
The NPO has fought the following guilds (the list is incomplete):
- The Guardian Task Force
- Mordor
- OO
- OL
- Odd:
- Odd
- The Knights of Ni
- RL
- S.E.A
- CoRM
Besides the ranking by status, the NPO uses the level of players' experience to measure their skill and commitment:
- Recruit: 0 - 49,999 EXP
- Soldier: 50,000 - 199,999 EXP
- Warrior: 200,000 - 249,999 EXP
- Champ: 500,000 - 999,999 EXP
- Knight: 1.000,000 - 1,999,999 EXP
- Paladin: 2,000,000 - 3,999,999 EXP
- Aquilifer: Over 4,000,000 EXP
Notable Players
The NPO has been a guild of more than 240 members and many of those have been great and skilled warriors, magnificent diplomats and great statesmen.
- Ivan Moldavi
- Miramicha of Asgård
- Daedalus
- The Imperium of Tau
- Sei
- no stress
- Zakalwe
- Lord Hoth
- The Werefrog
- The Alpha Ninja (Aprion Republic)
- Ress Gonzol
- King Justin
- Alcibiades
- Philosopher Cody
The Charter of the New Planetary Order
The Charter of the New Planetary Order
We, the undersigned, rulers of sovereign planets, do state our devotion and allegiance to this charter and agree to adhere to the laws and systems set forth therein. We vow to promote unity and solidarity within our ranks, defend our comrades against outside aggressors and spread the enlightenment that is the New Planetary Order to all corners of the known galaxies.
Article I: Admission
Any planetary empire seeking admission into the New Planetary Order must contact the Emperor, or designated Guild Master, and request membership into the Guild. Any planetary empire can be removed from the New Planetary Order on the command of the Emperor.
Article II: Structure of the New Planetary Order
Part I: The Dominion Assembly
Member planetary empires of the New Planetary Order will make up the Dominion Assembly. The duties of this body will include universal discussion on guild domestic and foreign policy, voting on specified members of alliance leadership and coordination of warfare assistance to fellow members.
Part II: Galactic Command
Galaxies of the known universe will be grouped as necessary and will have a Regional Governor, elected by the general membership every month. The duties of the Regional Governor are to coordinate and direct the galaxies in their overall stratagems and structure. The Regional Governor can only be overridden by the Emperor or by Galactic Senate decree. ttt
Part III: The Galactic Senate
The Galactic Senate will be composed of nine Senators, four elected by the Dominion Assembly every two months and five appointed by the Emperor. Those Senators elected by the Dominion Assembly must have previously served a full term as a Regional Governor or in a similar office. The duties of this body will be to decide on the direct and overall direction of the New Planetary Order and ensure its safety and continued prosperity. The Galactic Senate has absolute authority over all matters in the New Planetary Order under the guidance of the Emperor. The five appointed members will be designated to specific duties (i.e. Senator of Diplomacy, Senator of Internal Affairs, etc.) while the four elected members will be considered general counsel for the Emperor and the Regional Governors.
Article III: Appointed Imperial Staff and the Emperor
Part I: Imperial Staff
The Emperor will occasionally have need to appoint representatives for specific duties that fall outside the realm and scope of the Charter. These appointments will be on a case by case basis and considered dissolved if a position becomes vacant. This will include the appointment of the Regent, who will assume the role of Emperor if said individual becomes incapacitated, or is absent for more than 15 standard days, and other roles as needed.
Part II: The Emperor
The Emperor serves for life and carries veto on all levels of government. His role is to oversee the entirety of the New Planetary Order and assure its efficient running and act as a public figurehead. The Emperor can also appoint representatives to positions lacking beneficial candidates in elections and block the election of candidates that he deems a threat to the stability of the government. The Emperor has sole authority to amend this Charter as needed.