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Conflux is a Discord bot operating in the New Pacific Order's Discord server.
General Commands
Below is a list of Conflux commands just for fun.
Command | About | Usage |
8ball | Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question. | !8ball <question>
baby | Feast upon the delicious babies! | !baby [user]
ball | Xoricat's yarn ball | !ball [user]
beat | The beatings continue until morale improves! | !beat [user]
beer | 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall... | !beer [user]
butter | Butter is the key to all fine cuisine! | !butter [user]
celebrate | Celebrating is banned. | !celebrate [user]
choose | Lets the bot make a choice for you. You are legally obligated to follow through with the bot's decision | !choose <choice> or <choice> or [choice] ...
cute | Aww that's so adoriball | !cute [user]
dragon | Meddle not in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. | !dragon [user]
dungeon | Book your holiday in Letum's dungeon today! You will never be the same again afterwards. | !dungeon [user]
emu | Dan100 is at it again. | !emu
frawley | Glorious Leader Frawley requires more tech. | !frawley [user]
greenhouse | Welcome to Tebeat's greenhouse! | !greenhouse [user]
gulag | Welcome to the Siberian gulag, we hope you enjoy your stay. | !gulag [user]
hot | jgolla is SO HOT right now! | !hot [user]
hug | Huggles are banned by the BlackAdder Act of 2006. | !hug [user]
ie | IE stands for two things: Internet Explorer and Imperial Emperor. | !ie [user]
jackboot | The Pacifican jackboots will march across the world. | !jackboot [user]
joke | Display a joke. | !joke
keshav | Have you come to listen to the fairy tale of Keshav and Pukerella? | !keshav [user]
knit | What should Amy knit next? | !knit [user]
lick | Inquire within for tongue removal services. | !lick [user]
lightsaber | Star Wars Month! | !lightsaber [user]
lod | All hail Lord of Duckness! | !lod [user] !duck [user] !quack [user]
meerkat | Release the meerkats! | !meerkat [user]
meme | Generate a meme. See for a list of available memes. | !meme <template> <toptext>:<bottomtext
perg | Fire the pergifier beam! | !perg [user]
poke | Sharpen the sticks, it's poking time! | !poke <user>
poodle | Which is worse, Gandypoodle's bark or his bite? | !poodle [user]
sheep | Hide your 🐑 Pansy is on the prowl. | !sheep
shortcake | SynysterGates shall henceforth be known as strawberry shortcake. | !shortcake [user]
slap | Behold the fish slapping dance! | !slap [user]
song | Sign up for Tebeat's greenhouse concerts here! | !song
spoon | Say hello to my little spoon! | !spoon [user]
staple | Run away! Xantha is here with her staple gun. | !staple [user]
work | #MakeNemphesisWorkAgain | !work [user]
worlib | Hail Comrade Bilrow! | !worlib [user]
xoricat | Quick, find a ball of yarn! | !xoricat [user]
Below is a list of games that can be played with Conflux.
Command | About | Usage |
codebreak | Play a game to break the secret code. Players will take turns guessing the secret code. After each turn, everyone will be told how many of the digits are correct and how many are in the correct position in the code. The first person to get the code is the winner. |
giveaway | Run a reaction based giveaway. | !giveaway <time> <number of winners> <prize>
number | Number guessing game | !number <prize>
rps | Play a game of rock, paper, scissors against Conflux | !rps <rock | paper | scissors>
Below is a list of Conflux commands specific to general management topics.
Command | About | Usage |
addrole | Adds a user to the specified Discord role. | !addrole <role name> @user
ban | Bans someone for a specific reason | !ban <@user | id> <reason>
forumacc | Displays information about a forum account. | !forumacc <name | id>
removerole | Removes a user to the specified Discord role. | !removerole <role name> @user
role | Toggles a role for yourself | !role <role name>
Below is a list of Conflux utility commands.
Command | About | Usage |
colorinfo | Gets information about a color. | !colorinfo <#hexcolor | R,G,B>
embed | Creates and posts an embed to a channel. This command is interactive and will ask questions during the embed creation. |
executetask | Executes one of the bots built in timed tasks on demand. | !executetask <task>
help | Displays help information about the bot and its commands. | !help [command]
info | Displays Discord information for the specified user. | !info [@mention | id]
ping | Gets the ping of the bot. | !ping
poll | Creates a poll with reactions for voting. | !poll <question>
reactionrole | Adds a set of reaction to a specified message that allows role additions via user reaction. | !reactionrole <channel> <messageId> <emoji> <@role> <emoji> <@role>
remind | Reminds you do do something later in a direct message. |
rng | Returns a random number between the min and max (inclusive) with an optional 5 second countdown. | !rng <min> <max> [show countdown]
roleinfo | Gets information about the passed in Discord role | !roleinfo <@role | id>
time | Gets the current server time and update time for the specified game. | !time <[c]ybernations | [n]ationstates | [t]orn>
top | Lists the top commands used with the bot. ▶ to page forward, ◀ to page backward, ⏹ to close | !top
warn | Adds warning to another user | !warn <@UserMention> [mute duration] <reason>
wiki | Searches the NPO Wiki | !wiki <query>
Game Specific
Below is a list of Conflux commands specific to Cybernations.
Command | About | Usage |
cn:nation | Display information about a nation | !cn:nation <nation id | ruler | nation name>
cn:who | Whois for Cybernations nations and Discord accounts | !cn:who <mention | nation link | nation id>
Below is a list of Conflux commands specific to Nationstates.
Command | About | Usage |
ns:card | Display information about a card | !ns:card <nation name | card id>
ns:deck | Display information about a card deck | !ns:deck <nation name | nation id>
ns:nation | Display information about a nation | !ns:nation <nation name>
ns:region | Display information about a region | !ns:nation <region name>
Below is a list of Conflux commands specific to Torn.
Command | About | Usage |
t:bank | Torn bank investment calculator | !t:bank <amount> [merit count] [stock bonus]
t:chain | Torn chain tracker |
t:faction | Displays information about a faction. |
t:item | Torn item information | !t:item <name>
t:loot | Torn loot timings | !t:loot
t:lotto | Run a Torn lotto. You can give away cash and Torn items. Please note, you can not run a lotto while traveling. |
t:profile | Displays a Torn character's profile | !t:profile <mention | discord name | forum link | torn link | torn id>
t:stats | Gets your current battle stats and Torn bars (Energy, Nerve, Happy, and Life). This this command is run, the bot will DM you to get your API key. | !t:stats
t:stock | Torn stock information | !t:stock <stock name | stock acronym>
t:travel | Gets the current stock county the input country. Based on YATA data. | !t:travel <country>
t:who | Whois for Torn and Discord accounts | !t:who <mention | discord name | forum link | torn link | torn id>
Below is a list of Conflux commands specific to Warships.
Command | About | Usage |
warships:stats | Displays World of Warships statistics for an account | !warships:stats <name>