First Battle of ZBB

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First Battle of ZBB
Part of:
The Ancestors Campaign
Started July 23, 2021
Ended July 24, 2021

NPO territory expansion


NPO captures ZBB

Preceded By First Battle of WBB
Succeeded By First Battle of SBB

New Pacific Order flag New Pacific Order

Ancestors flag Ancestors


New Pacific Order flag SynysterGates

Ancestors flag M_P

Ribbon Awarded
First Battle of ZBB War Ribbon

The First Battle of ZBB was a territory war fought between the New Pacific Order and the Ancestors faction for possession of the ZBB territory.


With its recent victory in the First Battle of WBB, NPO had to wait several days for a territory unlock before it could assault the ZBB territory.

War Progress

The war commenced at 19:13:34 July 23, 2021 when NPO opened the assault to take the territory. The Ancestor defenders were rapidly pushed off the wall with NPO occupying all 26 slots.


Again with no real resistance from the Ancestors, NPO prevailed in the war after less than a day, and successfully captured the territory at 09:45:06 July 24.

