Green Civil War

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Green Civil War
Started May 24, 2007
Ended May 26, 2007

See War Progress


VE disbands; CIS and NTO leave green

Preceded By The Alaskan Folly
Succeeded By Copyright War

The Initiative
New Pacific Order flag New Pacific Order
Goon Order of Neutral Shoving flag Goon Order of Neutral Shoving
Grand Global Alliance flag Grand Global Alliance
\m/ flag \m/
Federation of Armed Nations flag Federation of Armed Nations
Maroon Defense Coalition flag Maroon Defense Coalition
Genmay flag Genmay

Green Solidarity
Viridian Entente flag Viridian Entente
Northern Treaty Organization flag Northern Treaty Organization

Confederacy of Independent States flag Confederacy of Independent States


New Pacific Order flag TrotskysRevenge
Grand Global Alliance flag Bilrow

Viridian Entente flag Ardus
Northern Treaty Organization flag Mayuri-sama

Ribbon Awarded
Green Civil War War Ribbon

The Green Civil War was fought between the The Initiative and a coalition known as Green Solidarity. The build up to the war saw the Viridian Entente and Confederacy of Independent States both depart from the World Unity Treaty followed by rising tensions between them and the remaining Initiative members.


On May 4, the Confederacy of Independent States was expelled from The Initiative due to issues surrounding their sovereignty, with the Grand Global Alliance cancelling the MADP held with CIS the day after. Shortly after, the Viridian Entente also left the treaty.

During May the Viridian Entente attempted to establish the Obsidian Entente, an offshoot on the Black team. This was met with immediate opposition from the Goon Order of Neutral Shoving who issued an ultimatum to VE that the Obsidian Entente had to move off Black. While the alliance moved to Aqua and was renamed to the Oceanic Entente the damage had been done, and tensions had been increased.

War Progress

At 11:27pm on May 24, the Green Solidarity Act was signed between the Viridian Entente, ArgoNaut, NTO and The Grämlins. Eight minutes later the Grand Global Alliance declared war on some of the pact's signatories with the following casus belli:

  • Declaration on VE: For encroaching on the Black Sphere by the creation of the Obsidian Entente along with issues with the leadership of the VE
  • Declaration on CIS: For breaking the trust of GGA by pursuing to allow a foreign power to have control over alliance decisions, and then attempting to deny and cover up any suggestion of these events
  • Declaration on NTO: Being an offshoot of the disbanded /b/ alliance that was formed by /b/ members when /b/ disbanded during the Third Great War

The GGA was joined by several other Initiative alliances including \m/, MDC, Genmay, GOONS, FAN and the NPO.

Surrenders and Withdrawals

May 25

  • 10:19pm - CIS surrenders and agrees to move to the white sphere
  • 11:30pm - VE announces its disbandment

May 26

  • 1:55am - NTO surrenders and agrees to leave the green team within seven days


With the disbandment of VE, their forum mask was given to the North Atlantic Defense Coalition. The Grand Global Alliance became the dominant Green team alliance.

External Links