New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)

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New Pacific Order
Official Flag
Official Flag
NPO Flag
Founded By Karpathos, RedCommunist, Ivan Moldavi, Koona, TrotskysRevenge, Vladimir, Iosef, LordValentine, Dilber
Founded January 27, 2006

Lord of Darkness


Jesse End

Imperial Officers



Emperor Ice

High Command

Antiega, Eclipse


Llednar Twem, amyamaretta, Edward I

External Links

The New Pacific Order's Cyber Nations branch has consistently been one of the largest, most powerful, and most innovative alliances in Cyber Nations, making it arguably the most influential group in the game's history. The New Pacific Order is the number one alliance in Cyber Nations, and is the largest and only sanctioned Red team alliance. Since its founding the New Pacific Order has made significant advances in all aspects of alliance organization, including economics, diplomacy, internal organization, propaganda and communications, and defense.


Main article: Foundation of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)

The New Pacific Order's Cyber Nations branch was founded in-game on January 27, 2006 by nine players from NationStates. The initial structure of the New Pacific Order's government was proposed by Vladimir on January 28th[1] and the New Pacific Order came fully into being on January 29th with the adoption of the First Charter and the election of Ivan Moldavi as Emperor[2].


Main article: Charter of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)

The Charter of the New Pacific Order defines the structure of the government and the powers granted to each area of the government. The Charter also defines guidelines for admission, expulsion, and amendments to the charter. The charter is the foundational legal documents of the New Pacific Order.

Throughout its history in Cyber Nations The NPO has gone through several revisions of its charter. The NPO is currently governed by its sixth charter, which it adopted in 2019.


Main article: History of the New Pacific Order in Cyber Nations
See also: War History of the New Pacific Order

The New Pacific Order quickly rose to prominence in early 2006 after it fought a series of successful bilateral wars. The enmity of its defeated opponents and the reputation for belligerence the Order earned as a result of these wars contributed to the outbreak of the First Great War, in which the Order narrowly avoided defeat at the hands of a much larger coalition. Over the succeeding six months, most major alliances organized themselves into two opposing groups: the Initiative, led by NPO, and the more informal coalitions of the League and its successor, Aegis. The Initiative defeated the League and Aegis in Great Wars II and III, respectively, achieving undisputed supremacy over Planet Bob as a result.

After the conclusion of Great War III in April 2007, the Initiative slowly collapsed from infighting. This disintegration culminated in the Unjust War in late 2007, which jeopardized NPO's position as the preeminent alliance in Cyber Nations. However, NPO successfully navigated the partial destruction of its first cohort of allies, establishing several new blocs whose military might would go essentially unchallenged for over a year.

In late 2008, another schism in NPO's sphere of influence resulted in the War of the Coalition and another victory for the Order and its allies. The aftermath of the war saw a slow disintegration of NPO's position, though, as multiple foreign alliances either severed ties with NPO or established small but significant spheres of their own. Additionally, several protracted insurgencies and long-running propaganda campaigns against Pacifican supremacy had succeeded in tarnishing NPO's image abroad, providing fertile ground for a diplomatic realignment against Pacifican power.

This tinder box was ignited in April 2009 when NPO attacked a small alliance over a minor espionage dispute. That unforced error, combined with widespread anti-Pacifican sentiment, motivated a loosely-aligned coalition to unite and mobilize against NPO. The ensuing War of Armageddon was long, costly, and resulted in a decisive and humiliating defeat for the Order.

Although NPO's economic recovery from the war was relatively quick - it completed its reparations payments early and many of its largest nations had been unscathed by the conflict - its diplomatic isolation persisted for years. Doomhouse, comprised of alliances which had led the coalition arrayed against NPO in the War of Armageddon or benefited from the war's outcome, exploited this in 2011 by attacking NPO. With few powerful allies to assist it, the Order was forced to capitulate and, as a term of the surrender, allow those large nations which had escaped damage during the its previous two wars to be attacked for three weeks by Doomhouse.

The damage to NPO's upper tier nations remained a liability for years after the Doomhouse War. Although the Order slowly recovered its diplomatic position, it remained impotent in the upper ranges of nation score during wars. Furthermore, NPO's diplomatic recovery was based largely on detente with traditional rivals in other spheres of influence. While this made NPO secure from foreign aggression, the fragmented nature of this new group of allies also limited NPO's ability to formulate its own foreign policy.

Both of these weaknesses contributed to the partial stalemate in the Equilibrium War in late 2012. Although the Order succeeded in marshaling a coalition against the preponderant upper tier strength of Doomhouse, the coalition was hobbled by infighting and an only modest advantage in upper tier strength. Backlash from the war and NPO's conduct as the de facto leader of the victorious coalition resulted in a steady diplomatic realignment against the Order, culminating in another defeat for NPO in the War of the Orders, a year later.

The New Pacific Order regained much of its former power and influence in 2014 by making a concerted effort to ally with former upper tier rivals and methodically rebuild its own upper tier. Through the Doom War, in late 2014, and the formation of Oculus in 2015, NPO achieved a combination of strength and diplomatic influence it hadn't had since 2009.

Although little about the Order's diplomatic position has fundamentally changed since 2015, Cyber Nations has declined considerably since then. It has lost over half its population of nations and numerous alliances have either disbanded or become almost completely inactive.


Main article: Government history of the New Pacific Order in Cyber Nations

The government of the New Pacific Order consists of the Emperor and the Regent and those to whom the Emperor's powers are delegated.


Main article: Departments of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)

Foreign Relations

Main article: Treaties of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)

External Links

New Pacific Order on the Cyber Nations Wiki
