Military Command of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)

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Military Command
Cyber Nations branch
Status Active
General Antiega
Colonel Eclipse

The Military Command of the New Pacific Order (also known as Milcom) leads NPO's military during wars and maintains its readiness when at peace. In 2017 itabsorbed the former Department of Economic Affairs, and now manages the Order's economic development programs.


Main article: History of Military Command of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)

Military Command is one of the oldest, continuous departments in the Order. At first the department was not as organized and structured as it came to be, the first iteration saw the creation of the War Council and made up of four elected members from the Body Republic.[1] The War Council held authority over all war and combat matters.

Following the early wars of the Order the battalion system was instituted following a proposal by Koona, Lord Valentine and Rysonia with input from Sei. The first four battalions Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta with each being lead by a Lieutenant.[2].

By early 2007 Emperor TrotskysRevenge announced a series of reforms which included abolishing the War Council, and instead folding Military Command into the Imperial System overseen by a Commandant.[3] The rank of Commandant, which was created when Dilber announced the War Powers Act[4] in 2006 naming Ivan Moldavi to the position, was eventually abolished following a charter amendment proposed by Ivan in 2007.[5] From this point the members of Military Command would report to the Imperial Officer of Military Affairs.

In mid-2007 Military Command was rocked by a mass departure of senior membership, which included Anthony who was expelled by the order of the Emperor.[6] At the same time the decision was made to restructure the Military Command into it's more modern form. Many of the "Junior MilCom" positions were abolished, and the system streamlined into NCOs and Battalion Lieutenants who reported up the chain of command. The position of General was created with the appointment of SirWilliam.[7] The Military Intelligence section of Military Command was split off into its own department.

In early 2008 Military Command saw additional changes to the battalion structure, and the introduction of the High Command rank of Colonel with the appointment of Llednar Twem and DonutTHX1138 to the position. [8]

War History

War Combatants Outcome Ribbon
First Arctic War NPO vs. NAAC NPO Victory
Citrus War NPO vs. ODN NPO Victory
ICSN War NPO & LUE vs. ICSN NPO Victory
Second Arctic War NPO, GATO & Legion vs. NAAC NPO Victory
WSA War WSA vs. NPO, NpO, GATO & The Legion NPO Victory
Great Patriotic War Coalition of Justice vs. CoaLUEtion White Peace
Holy War of Farkistan LUE & Farkistan vs. NPO, GOONS & Genmay GOONS Victory
The Second Great War The League vs. The Initiative Initiative Victory
The Hacker War NPO vs. The Empire NPO Victory
Third Great War The Initiative vs. Aegis Initiative Victory
The Alaskan Folly NPO vs. ABP NPO Victory
Green Civil War The Initiative vs. Green Solidarity Initiative Victory
Copyright War The Initiative vs. Aeazen Combine & CRRN Initiative Victory
The OHNOES War NPO vs. ONOS NPO Victory
FAN-WUT War The Initiative vs. FAN Initiative Victory
The Unjust War The Unjust Highway vs. ~ ~ Victory
The Reeducation NPO vs. Devildogs NPO Victory
FAN-1V War One Vision vs. FAN White Peace
Woodstock Massacre The Continuum vs. GPA Continuum Victory
Wolfpack War The Continuum vs. Wolfpack Continuum Victory
GATO-1V War GATO vs. One Vision One Vision Victory
Golden Sabres War NPO, TORN & allies vs. Golden Sabres War TORN Victory
NPO-BDC War NPO vs. BDC NPO Victory
CIS-1V War One Vision vs. CIS One Vision Victory
War of the Coalition Coalition vs. Friends > Infra Coalition Victory
NPO-Jarheads War NPO & allies vs. Jarheads NPO Victory
War of Armageddon NPO & allies vs. Karma Defeat
Doom House-NPO War NPO & allies vs. DH, FAN, NoR & allies Defeat
Fark-NPO War NPO & allies vs. Farkistan, FAN, Sparta and allies Victory
Tropic Thunder War NPO & allies vs. GOD & VE Victory
Kaskus-NSO War NPO & New Sith Order vs. Kaskus Victory
Equilibrium War Equilibrium vs. Competence Victory
War of the Orders NPO & allies vs. NpO & allies Defeat
Doom War Hershey Coalition vs. Nascar Coalition Victory
Skyfall War Oculus vs. MI6, TPF, Monsters, Inc.& STA Victory
Invictacide NPO vs. Invicta Victory
War for Maroon Dominance NPO & allies vs. OG & KoRT Victory
TPF-NPO War NPO, R&R & Atlas vs. TPF Victory
Sengoku-SPATR War Oculus & allies vs. Norwood Coalition Victory
Gh0s7busting War Oculus & allies vs. TTK & NADC Victory
Neutrality Appreciation War NPO & allies vs. OG & GPA Victory
Hazardous Materials War NPO & allies vs. Non Grata Victory
Doom-RFD War NPO & allies vs. NATO & Freehold of The Wolves Ongoing


Rank Image Duties
High Command
General Oversees the day-to-day running of the Pacifican War Machine and has the power to appoint people to positions within Military Command.
Colonel Charged with looking after the battalions each as well as monitoring the war machine.
Military Advisor Honorary retired members of MilCom. They serve as advisers to High Command, Battalion Command, and Squad Command, along with working on special projects as needed.
Battalion Command
Lieutenant Lead and monitor all nations assigned to their respective battalions.
Quartermaster Quartermasters assist the Battalion Lieutenants and help run the battalions alongside them.
Squad Leader Squad Leaders form and command the base level squads that make up part of Pacifica's War Machine. They are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their squad members.


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