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- 39th Street Killers XR (Torn)
- 39th Street Killers XR Ranked War
- 709's RugRats Ranked War
- AXiom (Torn)
- Admiral Lafiel
- Admiral Lafiel in Cyber Nations
- Admissions Department of the New Pacific Order (Torn)
- Afslavistakistania
- Afslavistakistania in Cyber Nations
- Aleisyr
- Aleisyr in NationStates
- Alliance Defense Network (NationStates)
- Altmoras in Torn
- Amyameretta
- Amyameretta in Cyber Nations
- Anarchy Inc. (Cyber Nations)
- Angelus Beck
- Angelus Beck in Cyber Nations
- Anthony
- Anthony in Cyber Nations
- Antiega
- Antiega in Cyber Nations
- Antiega in Torn
- Astro Empires
- Auctor
- August Revolution
- Aurora
- Bakamitai
- Bakamitai in Cyber Nations
- Bakunin's Dream
- Bakunin's Dream in Cyber Nations
- Balder
- Bilrow
- Bilrow in Cyber Nations
- BlackAdder
- BlackAdder in NationStates
- Black Knights (Torn)
- Bluie Gamer in Torn
- Boards Alliance of Protectorate States (Cyber Nations)
- Bobekbledek in Torn
- Bobogoobo
- Bojinov in Torn
- Brehon
- Brehon in Cyber Nations
- Brennan
- Brennan in Cyber Nations
- Callisto in NationStates
- CaveDweller in NationStates
- Chaos Rising Ranked War
- Charter of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)
- Charter of the New Pacific Order (NationStates)
- Charter of the New Pacific Order (Torn)
- Chosen Men in NationStates
- Christian Coalition of Countries (Cyber Nations)
- Citrus War
- Community in Torn
- Comrade Wasabi
- Comrade Wasabi in Cyber Nations
- Conflux
- Copyright War
- Cortath
- Cortath in Cyber Nations
- Council of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)
- Crayon Empress in Torn
- Cyber Nations
- Dan100
- Dan100 in Cyber Nations
- Dan100 in Torn
- Dan Almost Got Us Rolled War
- DarkMistress
- DarkMistress in Cyber Nations
- Darkesia
- Darkesia in NationStates
- Darkparticle in Torn
- DeathAdder
- DeathAdder in Cyber Nations
- Deatvert in Torn
- Departments of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)
- Departments of the New Pacific Order (NationStates)
- Desert Eagle Ranked War
- Dilber
- Dilber in Cyber Nations
- Diplomatic Affairs (Torn)
- Diplomatic Corps (Cyber Nations)
- Diplomatic Corps (NationStates)
- Doom-RFD War
- DoomBird DoomCave (Cyber Nations)
- Doom House-NPO War
- Doom Squad (Cyber Nations)
- Doom War
- Doom Wolves (Cyber Nations)
- Drcool
- Drcool in Cyber Nations
- EVE Online
- Echotte in Torn
- Eclipse
- Eclipse in Cyber Nations
- Economic Affairs (Cyber Nations)
- Edward I
- Edward I in Cyber Nations
- Edward I in Torn
- Elegarth
- Elegarth in Cyber Nations
- Elegarth in NationStates
- Elegarth in Torn
- Emperor Ice
- Emperor Ice in Cyber Nations
- End666 in NationStates
- Equilibrium War
- Eric the Red
- Eric the Red in Cyber Nations
- FAN-1V War
- Farkistan (Cyber Nations)
- Farkistan (disambiguation)
- Farrin
- Farrin in Cyber Nations
- Federation of Armed Nations (Cyber Nations)
- Filler13
- Filler13 in Cyber Nations
- First Arctic War
- First Battle of BWF
- First Battle of SBB
- First Battle of WBB
- First Battle of WGF
- First Battle of ZBB
- First Battle of ZGF
- First Battle of ZWF
- Foundation of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)
- Francoism
- Francos Spain
- Francos Spain in NationStates
- Franz
- Frawley
- Frawley in Cyber Nations
- Frawley in Politics & War
- Freehold of The Wolves (Cyber Nations)
- GATO-1V War
- GOONS (disambiguation)
- Gandroff
- Gandroff in Cyber Nations
- Gandroff in Torn
- Ghost Queen in NationStates
- Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (Cyber Nations)
- Goodnight Moon Ranked War
- Goon Order of Neutral Shoving (Cyber Nations)
- Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence, and Sadism (Cyber Nations)
- Government history of the New Pacific Order in Cyber Nations
- Government history of the New Pacific Order in NationStates
- Government history of the New Pacific Order in Torn
- Grand Global Alliance (Cyber Nations)
- Grease Monkey in Torn
- Great War I
- Great War II
- Great War III
- Green Civil War
- Green Protection Agency (Cyber Nations)
- Grudge War
- Gumpper
- Gumpper in Cyber Nations
- Hacienda (Torn)
- Happy as in Torn
- Hawk 11
- Hawk 11 in Cyber Nations
- History of Military Command of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)
- History of the New Pacific Order in Cyber Nations
- History of the New Pacific Order in NationStates
- Holy War of Farkistan
- Honourbound in NationStates
- IA Green Ranked War
- ICSN Debacle
- Iamthey
- Iamthey in Cyber Nations
- Iat in Torn
- Iceknave
- Iceknave in Cyber Nations
- Imperial Academy (Cyber Nations)
- Imperial Announcements from Farrin (Cyber Nations)
- Imperial Announcements from Imperial Emperor (Torn)
- Imperial Announcements from Nemphesis (Torn)
- Imperial Announcements from SynysterGates (Torn)
- Imperial Emperor
- Imperial Emperor in Cyber Nations
- Imperial Emperor in Torn
- Imperium of Tau
- In Memory of the Fallen (Torn)
- In Memory of the Fallen Ranked War
- Independent Republic of Orange Nations (Cyber Nations)
- Infernum Legion Ranked War
- Intelligence Department (Torn)
- Iron Rose Cartel (Torn)
- Island War 3.0
- Italiarule
- Italiarule in Cyber Nations
- Ivan Moldavi
- Ivan Moldavi in Cyber Nations
- Ivan Moldavi in NationStates
- Japanese Schoolgirls in NationStates
- Jar Wattinree
- Jar Wattinree in NationStates
- Jasmine
- Jasmine in Cyber Nations
- Jesse End
- Jesse End in Cyber Nations
- Jgolla
- Jgolla in Cyber Nations
- Jgolla in Torn
- Jordi Chin in Torn
- Jrenster
- Jrenster in Cyber Nations
- Karma War
- Keshav
- Keshav in Torn
- Kevinx231 in Torn
- Koona
- Koona in Cyber Nations
- Krulltopia
- Krulltopia in NationStates
- LUEnited Nations (Cyber Nations)
- Last Call (Cyber Nations)
- Lazarus
- Leafy's Tree Ranked War
- League of Extraordinary Alliances
- Legacy Ranked War
- Legio Pacifica (NationStates)
- Legitimate Business Ranked War
- Letum
- Letum in Cyber Nations
- Lingering Insanity Ranked War
- Llednar Twem in Cyber Nations
- Looneylew in Torn
- Lord Hoth
- Lord Strider
- Lord Strider in Cyber Nations
- Lord Valentine
- Lord Valentine in Cyber Nations
- Lord Valleo
- Lord Valleo in Cyber Nations
- Lord of Darkness
- Lord of Darkness in Cyber Nations
- Lord of Darkness in NationStates
- Lord of Darkness in Politics & War
- Lord of Darkness in Torn
- Loucifer
- Loucifer in Cyber Nations
- Lunar Wars
- MI6 (Cyber Nations)
- Maelstrom Vortex
- Main Page
- Malabyte
- Malabyte in Cyber Nations
- Malabyte in Torn
- MariMassa
- MariMassa in Cyber Nations
- Marina
- Marina in Cyber Nations
- Marina in NationStates
- Mary the Fantabulous
- Mary the Fantabulous in Cyber Nations
- Media Corps (Cyber Nations)
- Mentor Corps (Cyber Nations)
- Military Command
- Military Command of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)
- Military Command of the New Pacific Order (Torn)
- Military Intelligence (Cyber Nations)
- Millionario
- Millionario in Cyber Nations
- Milograd in NationStates
- Miramicha of Asgård
- Moo Cows With Guns in NationStates
- Mostly Harmless Alliance (Cyber Nations)
- Multicolored Cross-X Alliance (Cyber Nations)
- Mushroom Kingdom (Cyber Nations)
- Mussolandia
- Mussolandia in Cyber Nations
- NPO - Endurance (Torn)
- NPO - Peace (Torn)
- NPO - Prosperity (Torn)
- NPO - Serenity (Torn)
- NPO - Strength (Torn)
- NPO - Valour (Torn)
- NPOwned
- NationStates
- National Alliance of Arctic Countries (Cyber Nations)
- NationsGame
- Navblue in Cyber Nations
- Necoho
- Necoho in Cyber Nations
- Nemphesis
- Nemphesis in Cyber Nations
- Nemphesis in Torn
- Nerau in Torn
- Nerdypeep in Torn
- New Kervoskia in NationStates
- New Pacific Order
- New Pacific Order (Astro Empires)
- New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)
- New Pacific Order (EVE Online)
- New Pacific Order (Lunar Wars)
- New Pacific Order (NationStates)
- New Pacific Order (NationsGame)
- New Pacific Order (Origins Return)
- New Pacific Order (Pixel Nations)
- New Pacific Order (Politics & War)
- New Pacific Order (Project Terra)
- New Pacific Order (Torn)
- New Pacific Order Leadership
- New Polar Order (Cyber Nations)
- New Sith Order
- New Sith Order (Cyber Nations)
- New Sith Order (Torn)
- New Sith Order Raid
- Nijil1 in Torn
- Nobody Expects in Torn
- Non Grata (Cyber Nations)
- Noob5
- Noob5 in Cyber Nations
- North Atlantic Defense Coalition (Cyber Nations)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Cyber Nations)
- Not today, Satan! War
- Nullity in NationStates
- Oculus
- One Vision
- Orange Defense Network (Cyber Nations)
- Orange Defense Network (disambiguation)
- Organized Nations of Superiority (Cyber Nations)
- Origins Return
- Orion
- OsRavan
- OsRavan in Torn
- Osiris
- Ouroboros Ranked War
- PT-Calculated Ranked War
- Pacific Bank (Cyber Nations)
- Pacific Financial (Cyber Nations)
- Pacific Financial (Torn)
- Pansy in Torn
- Past Charters of the New Pacific Order (Cyber Nations)
- Pasybfic in NationStates
- Pep 9090 in Torn
- Pergamon
- Pergamon in NationStates
- Philosopher